Chiara Alessi, Domitilla Dardi, Giovanna Castiglioni

100x100 Achille


Achille Castiglioni's passion for objects of anonymous design is evidenced by the famous window in his studio, which exhibits all those collected throughout a lifetime. To celebrate the Maestro's 100th birthday, the Achille Castiglioni Foundation has entrusted the curating of an exhibition to Chiara Alessi and Domitilla Dardi, who have asked 100 Italian and international designers to donate their favorite anonymous objects. 100x100 Achille is the collection of these birthday gifts - and some greeting cards - sent by colleagues who have known Castiglioni, former university students or designers who have been inspired by his work; among others, the Bourorullec brothers, Studio Formafantasma, Konstantin Grcic, Giulio Iacchetti, Enzo Mari, Alessandro Mendini, Philippe Starck, Patricia Urquiola. A tribute to the master who is also a focus on one of the most investigated themes in the design world today. Because it is in the curiosity for everyday objects and the investigation of their function that a new planning can find space.

The volume accompanies the exhibition "100x100 Achilles" promoted by the Achille Castiglioni Foundation and opened in Milan from 19 February to 30 April 2018. With texts by Carlo Castiglioni, Giovanna Castiglioni, Chiara Alessi and Domitilla Dardi. Photographs by Emanuele Zamponi.

isbn:  9788875707071

With:  Fondazione Achille Castiglioni

Languages:  Italian and English

Binding:  paperback stitched with long flaps

Pages:  176

Width:  12,5

Height:  17

Edition:  2018


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