Matteo Loglio designs future products and interactions. He works across creative applications of artificial intelligence, playful experiments with technology and open tools for a less-boring future. Currently Matteo is a founder and director at oio - a group of humans and machines pushing the limits of design and technology. Previously he worked at Google Creative Lab, Arduino, and founded ed-tech company Primo Toys. Matteo works on experimental projects - big, small, and often first of their kind. Recently he wrote a book about the many intelligences of our universe, shaped Roby - the first AI creative director, designed a musical instrument for Google, taught a river in London to write poetry using AI, and conceived Cubetto - a wooden robot changing the lives of millions of children using it every day.
Matteo talks and lectures about design and creativity in universities, museums, and conferences around the world. Matteo's work is featured in TIME Magazine, The New York Times, Le Monde, The Guardian, Domus, Wired among many others. Sometimes you can find his projects exhibited in places such as MoMA in New York, V&A in London, or Triennale Museum in Milan.