Noemi Vola, Davide Calì
Chiedi a tuo padre
...e altre frasi misteriose degli adulti
Adults are mysterious beings. Sometimes they answer children's questions with words like "maybe..." or "we'll see..." but what do they really mean?
This book was written after a long and careful observation of the most common phrases that adults usually say to children, with lots of colourful and funny illustrations that ironically recount the relationship between parents and children.
Written by Davide Calì and illustrated by Noemi Vola, Chiedi a a tuo padre (Ask your father) is a manual for untangling embarrassing questions, mysterious answers and minor everyday problems. Useful for both adults and children.
isbn: 9788875708399
Languages: Italian
Binding: hardcover
Pages: 32
Width: 17
Height: 23
Edition: 2020
Reprint: first