Gianfranco Cavaglià

“di” Achille Castiglioni


Achille Castiglioni was not only a master in design that most of people know, but also a fine watcher of the everyday work of projecting. Many of his sentences are collected in this book and commented by Gianfranco Cavaglià, that worked for many years with Castiglioni. In his sentences, jokes, everyday abitudes comes out a man always careful to everything around him, full of energy and faith in his ideas but equally able to discuss again gained certanties. The book ends with a "decalogue" for people who want to become a designer and some special thoughts for collaborators and friends throughout all his life: among these Bruno Munari, Max Huber, Vittorio Lampugnani, Ettore Sottsass. Page after page, sentence after sentence, a personal and hidden side of Achille Castiglioni, a designer full of humanity, is revealed.

isbn:  9788875700331

Languages:  Italian

Binding:  paperback stitched with flaps

Pages:  88

Width:  12

Height:  19

Edition:  2006

Reprint:  second