Keri Smith
Distruggi questo diario
(ora a colori)
To celebrate the ten years of the release of one of Keri Smith's great hits, Wreck this diary (released for our types in the pocket and big size version), here's the first colorful book that breacks off with the previous creations' layout of the Canadian author, always severely in black and white.
An invitation to muddle, crumble, fill, blend, throw, and especially experience using color. An unusual color manual to free up the creative energy of small and big readers, with physical and artistic work.
Distruggi questo diario – ora a colori is a special edition, and Keri Smith's latest release for Corraini Editions, after The Wander Society, Il mondo immaginario di..., Come diventare un esploratore del mondo, Questo non è un libro, Finisci questo libro e Piccolo manuale dei grandi sbagli.
isbn: 9788875706708
Languages: Italian
Binding: stitched binding
Pages: 224
Width: 14,2
Height: 20,8
Edition: 2017
Reprint: fourteenth