Bruno Munari

La rana Romilda


This children's book, conceived and designed by Bruno Munari in 1958, and published by Corraini in 1997, tells the story of a frog named Romilda who, because of her habit of jumping from branch to branch, has a series of funny adventures, filled with incredible surprises.

She starts by jumping out of the ditch where she lives with her family in search of adventure. She wants to explore the world and, always taking huge leaps (taking little breaks between one chapter and another) she happens upon a greengrocer, hiding in a vegetable basket, then under a man's hat who was saying hello to a friend, then in a woman's bathroom... in short, she does all sorts of things!


This book is also available in English.

isbn:  9788886250412

Languages:  Italian (also available in English)

Binding:  paperback stitched with flaps

Pages:  48

Width:  24,5

Height:  22

Edition:  1997

Reprint:  fifth


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