Gianfranco Allari, Paola Calciolari

Magari un che di formaggio | Grana Padano in my own kitchen

Grana Padano nella cucina di casa mia


Served with mostarda and preserves, used as the main ingredient or simply grated, Grana Padano is part of everyday life. This entertaining book includes the numerous recipes sent in to the competition “Grana Padano nella cucina di casa mia” held at mostarda makers, Le Tamerici, San Biagio (Mantova).

An array of ideas from amateur cooks takes us through the meals of the day, from breakfast and lunch to teatime and dinner (stopping on the way for a pre-dinner drink with finger food). With their familiarity and expressiveness the recipes, printed just as they were presented by their authors, recall the fun and festivities that marked prize-giving day.

Edited by Paola Calciolari and Gianfranco Allari, with some sharp illustrating by Umberto Mischi, “Magari un che di formaggio” shows just how many original ways there are of serving up one of the Po Valley’s finest products.

isbn:  9788875702564

Curator:  Gianfranco Allari, Paola Calciolari

Illustrator:  Umberto Mischi

Languages:  Italian and English

Binding:  stitched binding

Pages:  112

Width:  17

Height:  24

Edition:  2010


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