Romeo Castellucci
Quaderno 2
Persona is the second of 5 books that accompany the Comune di Bologna's "e la volpe disse al corvo project - Corso di Linguistica Generale", edited by Romeo Castellucci and Piersandra Di Matteo, Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio.
Persona accompanies Romeo Castellucci's installation of the same name at the air-raid shelter in Via Indipendenza, Bologna, with sound by Scott Gibbons. In the darkness of an air-raid shelter, you come across a satyric mask that, in the hollows of the eyes and mouth, is operated by a frenzied, deafening mechanical device. It is a Papposilenus from the Hellenistic period, a depiction of the oldest of the satyrs, the one who hates the city. It is with a comedic language that Castellucci tells the human comedy, and with a inhuman look that concentrates on the human being. The mask is made from heavy monumental bronze, and that is contradicted by the speed of its eyes and tongue: this semi-feral entity sees "everything" and talks about "everything", a summation of the visual angles and the languages of people. The sonority that captures and sends back again, while the eyeballs flail as if in the throes of ecstasy or delirium, is the result of the condensation of a screaming crowd, and his bronze as if it were a bell. The goal of the installation is to instil fear, but fear of what is seen: we, the audience, the group of the species, spectator-performers. Persona, which means "mask" in Latin, is our face to face meeting with a warning siren.
Persona includes the text "From an exchange of opinions with a spectator on the myth" by Romeo Castellucci, and the Blumenberg-like anthology "The Future of Myth."
isbn: 9788875704353
Curator: Piersandra Di Matteo
Languages: Italian and English
Binding: poster
Width: 17
Height: 24
Edition: 2014