Adriano Altamira

Quidquid latet apparebit

Ciò ch'è celato verrà svelato | I miei anni '70


Quidquid latet apparebit is not so much a memoir as a kind of re-reading of documents found during the move of the author's warehouse/studio on the eve of the 2020 lockdown.

From the clutter of pages and pages emerge documents of all kinds, which in turn awaken memories of all kinds. Trying to bring some order to this chaotic whole, a new sequence of works, facts and events is thus born, reconstructing an ‘other’ history of Adriano Altamira's various activities, from the early years to the present day. In this overview, the figures of friends and fellow travellers, creative moments, situations and encounters also emerge.

For Corraini, Conceptual Rigoletta, Istampita Ghaetta, and the four-hand book Un saggio e due interviste by Flaminio Gualdoni and Adriano Altamira have been published by the same author.

isbn:  9791254931127

Languages:  Italian

Binding:  glued binding with flaps

Pages:  120

Width:  17

Height:  24

Edition:  2024


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