Modular book on Architecture, Art & Culture
The book is dedicated to the practice of design. It investigates experimentally the encounter between architecture and other related creative practices, between applied arts and sciences. Carefully selected unpublished materials from different fields are combined in such a way as to incite the maximum amount of questions.
First hand experiences from the field of architecture are accompanied by experiences from product and graphic design as well as by creative practices such as photography in order to investigate how objects and spaces are devised, drafted, formulated, drawn and built today, how inventive practices can shape the potential of everything, of what we can do, how we can live, how we relate to each other.
Each of the nine issues of SAFT contained in this collection is dedicated to a different topic or phenomenon, combining different materials; it is dense in feedback and feedforward, in juxtapositions and casual encounters. Printed on a large sheet of coloured paper it multiplies in your hands growing in an exponential manner. Inside the folds and gaps of the Zines a complementary series of features printed on carte blanche, which contains critical texts or visual materials, introduces vibrations into the Stimmung. Finally the collection which is voluntarily without a fixed form, nor predetermined sequence is wrapped up by a pristine white envelope.
Where an invention takes place, new potential arises.
With texts and works by AFF Architekten, ALADlabs, Alfonso Cantafora, Arturo Franco, Catherine Mosbach, Dario Borso, Francesca Ferrari, Franco Raggi, Franco Toselli, Laurence Humier, Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi, Maurizio Vogliazzo, Nomad Garden, Obelo, PlayArchitecture, Prando&Rosso, Robert Zeimer, Sergio Rodriguez, Stephan Jung, Studiocharlie
isbn: 9788831942010
Curator: Stephan Jung, Sara Galli
Special process: slipcase with 9 folded inserts
Languages: English
Binding: unbound
Width: 15
Height: 21
Edition: 2018