Martí Guixé

Transition Menu


In Transition MenuMartí Guixé shows us the transition from the art of cooking to Food Design. To mark the exhibition “Progetto cibo. La forma del gusto” at Mart – Museo di arte moderna e contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto, Transition Menu expands Guixé’s research on food design, the project is based on some of Martí’s personal theories, thoughts and notes. These take shape in an essay and a layout of models that represent an unbalanced transition menu, where old and modern both appear. Added to traditional examples is a pinch of what is to come after haute cuisine, and a touch of Food Design.

A table and menu that will change our approach to food forever. An experimental project for an imaginary and very special dinner, where some surprising dishes stimulate us to challenge and reappraise our parameters and our culinary habits. The world of food will never be the same again!

isbn:  9788875703929

Languages:  Italian and English

Binding:  paperback

Pages:  80

Width:  21

Height:  27

Edition:  2013


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