Barbara Brondi, Marco Rainò

IN Residence #10 | Imaginative Rituals

Design Dialogues

16,00 €

The In Residence project reaches its tenth edition this year, proposing “Imaginative Rituals” as the theme linking the workshops and experiences at Du Parc Contemporary Suites in Turin. Designers are invited to consider common action as ritual heritage and to reflect on the objects differently linked to daily and collective activities. Experimenting in the creation of possible rituals, incorporating the values to associate with objects or actions. Design that aims to solve a problem or recurring daily need of the individual, material or spiritual, and a possible future collective.

As in the previous editions, this year the selected designers pursued a research project together with students on the theme proposed, in a continuous and extremely and productive exchange. The following designers organized workshops as part of the In Residence project: Marlène HuissoudFernando LaposseCarlo LorenzettiNick RossBirgit Severin and Tijmen Smeulders.

isbn:  9788875706463

Curatore:  Barbara Brondi, Marco Rainò

Book Design:  brh+

Lavorazioni speciali:  plancia di copertina serigrafata

Lingua:  italiano e inglese

Rilegatura:  bodoniana

Pagine:  192

Base:  17

Altezza:  24

Edizione:  2017


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