Italo Lupi

Graphic autobiography

Autobiografia grafica


The editorial project, curated personally by Italo Lupi, doesn’t take a traditional form but covers 40 years of work through the use of pictures, comments, quotes or articles published in magazines that Lupi had worked with.

Graphic autobiography was selected in 2014 for the ADI DESIGN INDEX and won an Honorable Mention in the Compasso d'Oro design award in 2016. 

Image consultant for La Rinascente, IBM Italy, the Triennale di Milano, and then art director for Domus and editor-in-chief and art director of Abitare: Graphic autobiography is a comprehensive volume which comprehensively tackles Italo Lupi’s output, from his work in publishing to small architectural projects, as well as urban design and, above all, his temporary and museum exhibitions, without forgetting those masters who inspired him throughout his career. The point where it all began is special: designs for posters, made while still at high school.

The book is divided into sections featuring the author's creations divided by thematic areas, each presented through rich iconographic and textual apparatus – new and old – bearing the signature of critics, journalists, graphic designers, architects and friends who has shown their appreciation for Lupi's work.


This volume was awarded an Honorable Mention of the ADI Compasso d'Oro Award as a superior quality project, deserving of special distinction.

isbn:  9788875703738

Book design:  Italo Lupi

Languages:  Italian and English

Binding:  hardcover

Pages:  376

Width:  21

Height:  26,5

Edition:  2013

Reprint:  first


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