Giosetta Fioroni




Giosetta Fioroni’s Talismani (talismans) brings to life a practice begun at an early age. These examples of her art are the fruits of a lifetime’s habit of “collecting and keeping things other people usually throw away, because they are broken, out-dated or simply old. [...] Little toys, tiny pieces and parts of a single object, discarded bits of dolls, figures from nativity scenes, puppets, buttons, buckles, shoes and all kinds of leftovers, broken bits of cups and plates from sets of china, coins, miniature pieces of furniture, pearls, beads and lots of other things”.

These objects or bits of objects turn up in Talismani, a work that incorporates symbols of Time and memories, to which this book is dedicated. Fioroni takes a new look at what she has accumulated over the years, assembling and fusing her bits and pieces into little works of art, thereby giving them a new lease of life and meaning. The Talismani in this book talk of the shades and hues of people’s and animals’ lives. The Talismani are a series of 100 work realized starting from a wooden box measuring 15 x 10 x 5 cm.

isbn:  9788875703325

Languages:  Italian and English

Binding:  paperback stitched with flaps

Pages:  112

Width:  15

Height:  21

Edition:  2012


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