Andrea Branzi

Nel regno dei viventi


Architect, designer and theorist, Andrea Branzi has used poetry as a new design tool alongside the traditional languages of architecture and design.

Leaving the more classical reflections on professional and disciplinary issues to one side, Nel regno dei viventi focuses on major anthropological themes – life, death, fate, the human world, as well as the animal kingdom – as key elements of design culture. “My poems,” Branzi writes, “are created without a specific intention and without a literary purpose, as reflections on topics, sometimes ironic sometimes dramatic, that have helped me to try to explore the depth of my expression”.

Twenty-six poems, together with illustrations created by Andrea Branzi himself, lead us to reflect on the deepest themes of existence, painting a picture of the ideas and topics that have inspired one of today’s most brilliant designers.

isbn:  9791254930076

Languages:  Italian

Binding:  paperback stitched with long flaps

Pages:  56

Width:  12

Height:  16

Edition:  2022


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