Mimaster Illustrazione

The Illustrated Survival Guide | Translators


Following on from the Survival Guides for illustrators, editors, and publishers respectively, The Illustrated Survival Guide - Translators continues its exploration of the professions in the book industry by focusing on the art and craft of translation.

From the invaluable accounts of dozens of translators, the book offers a diverse range of accounts and suggestions to those who dream of taking up this career: from the approach to the text to ongoing training and aspects of work management, including contracts, translation rights and relations with clients. A map to find your way around and to understand the importance and role of professionals bridging cultures within the complex ecosystem of publishing.
With texts by Ivan Canu, Giacomo Benelli (Mimaster Illustrazione), and by the translators Laura Cangemi and Roberta Scarabelli, The Illustrated Survival Guide - Translators is a project by Mimaster Illustrazione, in collaboration with Fondazione Arnoldo e Alberto Mondadori and with the support of Fondazione Cariplo.

isbn:  9788875708856

Languages:  Italian and English

Binding:  paperback stitched with long flaps

Pages:  72

Width:  13

Height:  18

Edition:  2020


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