Francesca Appiani, Museo Alessi
Design interviews 5 Alessandro Mendini
A series of portraits of some of the most important Italian designers. A collection issued from the wish to get to know them through their own description of their experience and method. A project realized by Corraini Edizioni in collaboration with the Museo Alessi to celebrate the masters of design.
Each 48 pages book is associated with a (about) 30’ dvd: a video interview exclusively realized by the Museo Alessi, and directed by Anna Pitscheider, that represents a unique source of considerations and experiences about making design. Its transcription is curated to preserve the spontaneity and immediacy of the conversation, and appears in the book along with the most significant stills of the video, photographs from the archive of the Museo Alessi and preliminary sketches of several projects. The life and work of the designer according to five protagonists and masters of designing.
isbn: 9788875701529
Curator: Francesca Appiani, Museo Alessi
Special process: contains dvd
Languages: Italian and English
Binding: stitched binding
Pages: 48
Width: 15
Height: 15
Edition: 2007