Keri Smith

Il mondo immaginario di...


“Creating a world is a revolutionary act. Imagining something different, something better or something more interesting means pushing our existing world towards change […] We all dream about where we would like to live, how we would like to spend our time, how to make things better than they are now. Some of us fantasise about how the world could become a better place and how we could change the way it looks.”

You can use the pages of this book to create a reality that is all yours: Keri Smith offers a free pathway, made up of big and small creative challenges to create your own imaginary world. You will be asked to describe landscapes, reinvent your biography, create a dictionary, give life to characters, invent holidays or draw up a manifesto. A free process – with the total freedom to wander off track – that triggers the spark of creativity and allows us to define our idea of utopia and reimage the world in which we would like to live.

isbn:  9788875705459

Languages:  Italian

Binding:  stitched binding

Pages:  192

Width:  16,5

Height:  21,5

Edition:  2015

Reprint:  third


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