Bruno Munari

Storie di tre uccellini


How happened that Chì, Chià and Chiù ended up in a cage? Bruno Munari tells us a story that will make us desire to open all those cages and make these little birds free again.

Together with other eight albums, Storie di tre uccellini is part of the historic 1945 series created by Bruno Munari. He devised these lively books/albums for children using large pictures, pages and inserts of different sizes and varying holes to arouse the curiosity of the observer and let the reader literally hang at each page.


This book is also available in English.

isbn:  9788887942118

Special process:  pages in different sizes

Languages:  Italian (also available in English)

Binding:  staples

Pages:  18

Width:  24

Height:  32

Edition:  2001

Reprint:  second


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